Over the raging waves

at the coast of Texel

Surf kayaking and rafting

Take to the waves together with your friends, family or colleagues and try to make some great surfs. The session starts with an instruction on surf kayaking and then the real work on the water begins, under supervision. There is 45 minutes time to experience the power of the waves, after which the kayak is exchanged for the raft. Here you will get another instruction after which you will all get into the water and try to keep the raft under control. Are you up to it?

Photo gallery Surf kayaking and rafting

Visitor information

Recommended clothing: Swimwear and towel
Age: From the age of 12 and in possession of at least swimming certificate A
Date: April to October
Address: Beach at Paal 9
Website: Surf kayaking and rafting
Check the latest information on the provider's website!

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Editors De Krim Texel
Update: November 29, 2022 17:00

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