Polders full of wealth

Horspolders en Kreeftpolders

Visit these special polders. In this area, rare plants grow, such as grass of Parnassus and marsh helleborine. Enjoy the birdlife and spot the rare and endangered bittern and bearded reedling. You will also find the marsh harrier and bluethroat here. A place on Texel you will never forget! Also try the nice walking route.

Photo gallery De Hors

Visitor information

Address: Parking place at Mokweg, (1797 SB) Den Hoorn
Website: Horspolders en Kreeftpolders
Check the latest information and opening hours on the provider's website!

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Multiple locations

Take part in beach clean-ups and contribute to a clean Texel! 




Two experiences in one cruise for young and old.

Editors De Krim Texel
Update: September 8, 2022 13:00

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