Bird wealth of Texel

Wadden Bird Festival

Birds are everywhere on Texel: there are many different species, often rare ones. Discover Texel’s wealth of birds at the Wadden Bird Festival. Texel has 380 different species of birds so it has more birds than anywhere else in the Netherlands. The nutrient-rich mudflats are great stopovers for migrating birds. The event offers visitors lots to do. Join us on an excursion or follow an interesting lecture.

Photo gallery Wadden Vogelfestival

Visitor information

Practical info: The event is for novice birdwatchers to experts, from young to old.
Date: May 10 and 11, 2025
Address: Kikkertstraat 42-44, De Cocksdorp
Website: Wadden Vogelfestival
Check the latest information on the provider's website!

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Update: May 24, 2024 16:00

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