Questions? +31-222-390 112

This is your vacation

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Party, pets

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Frequently asked questions

After completing the booking, your reservation is final, and you have secured your chosen holiday

Within 14 days after making an online booking, it is still possible to cancel it free of charge, but only if the arrival date is not within 28 days. If the arrival date falls within 28 days, free cancellation is not possible.

From 14 days after making the reservation, cancellation fees apply. These costs are calculated as follows:

  • Cancellation more than three months before the arrival date: 15% of the total price.
  • Cancellation within three to two months before the arrival date: 50% of the total price.
  • Cancellation within two to one month before the arrival date: 75% of the total price.
  • Cancellation within one month before the arrival date: 90% of the total price.
  • Cancellation on the day of the arrival date: 100% of the total price.

To avoid unexpected costs, we recommend taking out cancellation insurance or participating in our cancellation fund. This way, you are protected against any cancellation fees.

You can easily cancel your booking by phone at 0222-390 112 or by email at

We understand that plans can sometimes change. Up to 28 days before your planned arrival date, you have the option to change your booking once free of charge.

This means you can choose a different park, accommodation or period. Please note that if the changed booking becomes more expensive, you will have to pay the extra cost. If the new holiday is cheaper than the original price, the difference will not be refunded. 

To submit your request for free changes, please send an e-mail to and include your reservation number.


Details shown on the photos, floor plans and specifications may differ from reality.

Free cancellation within 14 days*

Navigate forward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

Navigate backward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.


That is why you book with De Krim Texel